Policy Plan 2022-2024


MindMore Foundation is a foundation founded in 2017 (hereinafter: the Foundation) that supports the philosophy of mindfulness, in particular by awarding financial contributions to projects set up by universities and similar institutes

Objective of MindMore Foundation

The goal of the Foundation is:

  • supporting, where possible on a scientific basis, the dissemination, practice and acceptance of mindfulness to promote the mental well-being of all.

The Foundation strives to achieve this goal by, among other things:

  • financially supporting projects and initiatives in the field of mindfulness;
  • setting up development plans and helping to expand existing initiatives; whether or not on an
    international basis;
  • supporting scientific research into the value, impact and consequences of mindfulness in
    specific circumstances.

Structure of MindMore Foundation

The board, and therefore the Foundation, operates independently of donors and beneficiaries. On the basis of the independence of the board and the social purpose of the Foundation, the Tax And Customs Administration has designated the Foundation as a public benefit institution (‘ANBI’), as referred to in Article 5b of the General Law on State Taxes. The members of the board do not receive any remuneration for their work.


The viability of the Foundation is guaranteed by an initial donation. Furthermore, the Foundation is open to all donors who support the objective of the Foundation. The annual financial reporting is posted on the website.

Policy for 2022-2024

The board believes that the objective, in combination with the many initiatives that exist in the field of mindfulness, still forms a good basis for the future of MindMore Foundation. A number of projects are financially supported, and applications can be submitted via the website. Contacts with universities and other organisations that we believe can contribute to our objective have been established and will be expanded in the coming years.
There are at least four board meetings per year where submitted requests are decided upon. In the coming period (2022-2024), contact will also be sought with relevant institutions. This in the hope that qualifying projects can be identified and financially supported. The ambition is to stimulate activities in the long term, in addition to the financial contributions. As an example, one can think of making a space available, initiating (having) activities that we have seen abroad and that we believe could also be of added value in the Netherlands and where appropriate the propagation of the objective via media. Where appropriate and possible, board members will participate in (for example) conferences that may be relevant to MindMore. In this way, the board hopes to contribute to a scientifically sound and enthusiastically supported dissemination of the practice of mindfulness, both within the Netherlands and abroad. The board is convinced of the positive impact and social importance of mindfulness and expects that the Foundation will be able to continue to contribute to this in the coming years.